Page 4 - OWS Brochure
P. 4

CS3000       CS4000                         CS5000                          CS Lite Series

    3.00         4.00                           5.00                            CS0500 Lite
     792         1056                           1320
1550 (2300)  1550 (2300)                    1690 (2452)                                 132
1035 (1560)  1035 (1560)                    1069 (1715)
1548 (1750)  1548 (1750)                    1548 (2000)                            1041 (1655)
                                                                                    655 (1080)
     600          600                            770                               1474 (1700)
    1330         1330                           1650
  1.1 (1.3)    1.5 (1.5)                      1.5 (1.8)                                 320
  2.1 (2.3)    2.5 (2.5)                      2.5 (2.8)
                                                                                   0.55 (0.55)
  50 (2")      50 (2")                        50 (2")                              1.55 (1.55)
40 (1 1/2")  40 (1 1/2")                    40 (1 1/2")
40 (1 1/2")  40 (1 1/2")                    40 (1 1/2")                            32 (1-1/4")
40 (1 1/2")  40 (1 1/2")                    40 (1 1/2")                               25 (1")
 15 (1/2")    15 (1/2")                      15 (1/2")                                25 (1")
 20 (3/4")    20 (3/4")                                                               25 (1")
                                              25 (1")                                15 (1/2")
                                                                                     15 (1/2")
1.38 (20)    1.38 (20)                      1.38 (20)
3.45 (50)    3.45 (50)                      3.45 (50)                               1.38 (20)
                                                                                    3.45 (50)

or oil content monitor and commissioning. Recommended pressure 0.5 - 4 bar.

ar for operation of pneumatic valves only.

                                                         globally focused on cleaner solutions
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